Wonderful results for Marlies from Hulana T (Ampere x Florencio) and Go Legend (Totilas x Ferro)!
Below is a photo report!

Super groom Feline with Go Legend!

Fat check! Marlies with her beautiful KEP Italia helmet & Eurostar Jacket and Hulana with a beautiful Passier bridle!

The Elite mare Hulana T, owned by Emmie Twint, scored 71.2% and fourth place at her first International Small Tour competition!

A happy Marlies after her test!

With proud owner Emmie Twint!

Go Legend ran a super Grand Prix! Second place with 72.3%!

Super groom Joyce with Feline during the trial

Beautiful piaffe

Marlies & winner of the Grand Prix Marieke v d Putten

Feline and her big idol Emelie Scholtens!

Hulana scored 74% and second place in her very first freestyle!

Marlies with winner Dinja van Liere!

Twint family, Marlies, Hulana and Joyce!

Feline and Britt Dekker!