Beautiful day with an awful lot of happy faces!

For the third time in a row, a fantastic day for children at Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, and with that, a tradition is now born!

Horses give us joy and how wonderful it was to see that they also gave so much positive energy to all the sweet kids We thank the wonderful volunteers and the wonderful companies that helped us make this day possible.
Until next year

Photos and videos taken by Nance Horse Photography and SK Equine Photography
Below is another beautiful photo collage!

Thanks again to all our volunteers: Jos Hogendoorn, Arjan Kolbach, Valeria Litvchenko, Eline Borst, Marcella de Ronde, Thea Ekelmans, Wendy van Stiphout, Jessica van den Bosch, Gerrit van Gessel, Floor & Henny Dijkhof, Tess & Aniek Verschuur, Eva Elbertse, Lene van Ruiven, Julia van Oostrom, Marrigje van Baalen, Gerard Vervoorn, Aliki Dikken & Ninte Bogers!
Butchery Corianne van der Linden, Plus Duijzer Brakel, Vos Nederhemert, Mooi bloem & Binnen, Bakkerij Verba, Nance Paardenfotografie, SK Equine Photography, Shetlandpony stable het Zesspan, Lr de Malsnaruiters, Kur Online, Zusjes Conijn, de Bock Stables, de Koetserij Haasnoot, Loeigoed, Derby riding boots, Van Baalen Farms, Crafts with Samira and Hair creations at Linda’s